Quality Improvement
State of Maine Department of Health and Human Services
To ensure quality services to our consumers and client health care needs, Acentra Health continuously evaluates all areas of our quality management program for opportunities for improvement.
Identifying Improvement Areas:
Areas for opportunity may be identified through:
- Results of the internal monitoring, data analysis and trending.
- Employee and Provider suggestions, and suggestions from the Quality Management Committees.
When areas of improvement are identified either internally or externally, Acentra Health uses a systematic method to plan for performance improvement.
Quality improvement projects are designed following Acentra Health’s continuous improvement model. Using this methodology, any problems identified are analyzed to uncover the root cause and plan appropriate actions for improvement. Acentra Health utilizes a multi-disciplinary team approach that draws on the expertise of staff across the organization:
- All improvement projects that are clinical in nature will involve at least one senior clinical staff person when judgments are made that may contain a clinical aspect of performance.
The Acentra Health Quality Team
Acentra Health Maine has a dedicated quality management team to collect and analyze operational data. This team also provides expert analysis and meaningful information to stakeholders in the Maine Behavioral Health ASO in order to measure the success of all efforts and partner to improve the quality of care for MaineCare members.
The Role of Providers in Quality Improvement
Provider involvement and participation in the Maine utilization review process is fundamental to identifying improvement areas:
- Provider feedback is documented, analyzed and reviewed in order to identify trends and areas of possible improvement. Providers are encouraged to please forward any suggestions or concerns to robert.noble@acentra.com